You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. - Jim Rohn
I'm sorry for not posting oftenly nowadays due to my tight school schedule and my exhaustion from various activies. I am writing on Day 2 of BreakThru Camp (in case you dunno, it's mentioned on the previous post.). Remember the 3 'R's I mentioned? On Day 2 of the camp, the 'R' we learnt was Responsibility. The Camp Director and Lecturer Mr Glenn Lim told us a story: a story about Nick Vujicic. Know this guy? Well, if you don't, go google it up. He's technically a guy without limbs, yet lives his life to the maximum. One of his most famous quotes: "From a life without limbs, to a life without limits." It's a story that touched our hearts the 1st time we watched a video clip of Nick's talk to a school (that was the second time we watched). Our eyes went slightly redder and wet, and for some, tears went down their cheeks. To see someone without limbs changing his attitude so positively and living his life to the fullest, to put it simply, our hearts were warmed. If someone like that could accomplish things and live life to the fullest and not give up, why can't us, the people with a perfect and functioning body? We only have to take responsibility of our life. How our lives turn out has to do with choice, not chance. We cannot credit or blame anyone for how our lives become. We have the power to choose how our lives are lived. We only have one life, make it count.
Utakata Hanabi

Sasuke x Sakura
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Spooky Feed #41
Man is a knot into which relationships are tied. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Flight to Arras, 1942, translated from French by Lewis Galantière
In this post I'm gonna share on something I've truly felt and learnt a lot more than I ever had: Relationships. I don't just mean Boy-Girl relationships, I meant relationships with the people around you: Your friends, your schoolmates, teammates, teachers, parents, and your loved one(s). Today, the entire Secondary 4 cohort gathered together for an inspirational, motivational camp called "BreakThru" camp. Today is Day One, we still have two more days to go. Today's theme is (obviously) Relationships. Through today's variuous activities, lectures, and games, my group bonded together and worked on team-building, teamwork, leadership and support for one another. Here's a story on the flying geese I've learnt from the lecture. Did you know that by flying in the 'V' formation, the whole flock adds at least 70% flying range than if each bird flew on its own? The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. When a goose gets sick or wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he dies, and then they take off to catch up with their group. This is a very interesting case, yet it's a good example of how a team should work together and care for one another. The whole is greater than the sum of its total parts. A clock would not work if one tiny little gear is missing from the possibly 50+ gears inside. A strong team that works together as a family is a powerful force that can break obstacles and accomplish goals. A family can achieve breakthroughs together. Remember, no man is an island. We are created to be connected to one another.
In this post I'm gonna share on something I've truly felt and learnt a lot more than I ever had: Relationships. I don't just mean Boy-Girl relationships, I meant relationships with the people around you: Your friends, your schoolmates, teammates, teachers, parents, and your loved one(s). Today, the entire Secondary 4 cohort gathered together for an inspirational, motivational camp called "BreakThru" camp. Today is Day One, we still have two more days to go. Today's theme is (obviously) Relationships. Through today's variuous activities, lectures, and games, my group bonded together and worked on team-building, teamwork, leadership and support for one another. Here's a story on the flying geese I've learnt from the lecture. Did you know that by flying in the 'V' formation, the whole flock adds at least 70% flying range than if each bird flew on its own? The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. When a goose gets sick or wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he dies, and then they take off to catch up with their group. This is a very interesting case, yet it's a good example of how a team should work together and care for one another. The whole is greater than the sum of its total parts. A clock would not work if one tiny little gear is missing from the possibly 50+ gears inside. A strong team that works together as a family is a powerful force that can break obstacles and accomplish goals. A family can achieve breakthroughs together. Remember, no man is an island. We are created to be connected to one another.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Spooky Feed #40
Somethings would never change.
I bought another bluetooh headset yesterday. And I regretted it today. Why? Coz' today I've found out that there's an unused pair of earpieces in the box that came together with my mum's mobile phone. I've should have used that temporaily until I get enough money to purchase the Sony W-Series Heart-Shaped Headphones I always wanted yet cannot afford. Then my dad and I spotted the exact same bluetooth headset model that I lost that can be bought at a much cheaper price than the new one. Regret, regret, regret...
I'm quite sure that you readers know about how the Earth wobbled and the times when the constellations usually show up in the night sky are changing too. Then, there's this thing about a new 13th star sign named Ophiuchus. I ain't really a great fan of astrology while I am certainly interested in astronomy, but this piece of news may be disturbing to some. Let's have an example: Andy's star sign is Libra, but the so-called new horoscope dates made his supposed star sign change to Virgo. Well, this guy is certainly curious and compared the characteristics between Libra and Virgo, and as he reads up more, he finds his characteristics are more and more like Virgo and less and less like a Libra. Like an evolution due to time. Andy is disturbed and distressed about this piece of news as he believes in horoscopes and that stuff. "So what star sign am I, really??" Sounds familiar? My star sign is Taurus, but the new dates actually made mine Aries. The same thing practically occurred on me. But to those who are concerned... Here's my advice: whatever star sign you are born with would not change due to the Earth "wobbling". Only the constellations change. Not the personality. If your personality changes due to the Earth's "wobbling", I only got one word of ya: WOW. Once again, my star sign is Taurus... And I'm proud of it.
I bought another bluetooh headset yesterday. And I regretted it today. Why? Coz' today I've found out that there's an unused pair of earpieces in the box that came together with my mum's mobile phone. I've should have used that temporaily until I get enough money to purchase the Sony W-Series Heart-Shaped Headphones I always wanted yet cannot afford. Then my dad and I spotted the exact same bluetooth headset model that I lost that can be bought at a much cheaper price than the new one. Regret, regret, regret...
I'm quite sure that you readers know about how the Earth wobbled and the times when the constellations usually show up in the night sky are changing too. Then, there's this thing about a new 13th star sign named Ophiuchus. I ain't really a great fan of astrology while I am certainly interested in astronomy, but this piece of news may be disturbing to some. Let's have an example: Andy's star sign is Libra, but the so-called new horoscope dates made his supposed star sign change to Virgo. Well, this guy is certainly curious and compared the characteristics between Libra and Virgo, and as he reads up more, he finds his characteristics are more and more like Virgo and less and less like a Libra. Like an evolution due to time. Andy is disturbed and distressed about this piece of news as he believes in horoscopes and that stuff. "So what star sign am I, really??" Sounds familiar? My star sign is Taurus, but the new dates actually made mine Aries. The same thing practically occurred on me. But to those who are concerned... Here's my advice: whatever star sign you are born with would not change due to the Earth "wobbling". Only the constellations change. Not the personality. If your personality changes due to the Earth's "wobbling", I only got one word of ya: WOW. Once again, my star sign is Taurus... And I'm proud of it.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Spooky Feed #39
The sins of this universe would trouble anyone. - Leto
Ever wondered how would the world be like if it's all good and no evil? All good and kind and caring and humble and wise and friendly and gracious and responsible and noble and... Man, I can go on and on... Just imagine... The world is only filled with good people... with love but without hate for one another. Just imagine, if your enemies or rivals or someone that you don't like or hate, actually being friendly and all to you and you returning the favor without any hate within your heart at all. Where hatred don't even exist. Just love and care. Just like Heaven. Maybe there's another version of Heaven or Paradise in each of your hearts, but the concept is almost about the same. It's a GOOD place. Who knows? Perhaps Heaven up there is a lot more modernised, some futuristic place with You-Know-Who there, then hovercrafts just flew like the traffic in Coruscant in Star Wars... Or it could be a really enormous garden to an endless horizon filled with flowers and all kinds of sweet stuff... Well, here's just a few examples. While your mind is filled with these seemingly quite impossible images, I wanna ask you one question. Would you want the world that way? Well, I don't mean the Heaven examples, I meant the world as a totally peaceful and GOOD place. The common response would be: "Heeelllloooo? Of course! Why not?" But I want you guys to think it over carefully. A completely GOOD place wouldn't have something like: "Ha! In your face!" "You deserved it." "You're not worthy." and all kinds of stuff that happens all around in our world. Bad stuff. We may not fit in into that kind of GOOD world due to us being exposed to the cruelty, harshness of this world. Although there's good stuff that sometimes comes along, but generally we are corrupted and stained by the sins in this world. Hate is one of em'. Think it over, although if we are in that world from the start, we wouldn't even think about this as we would continue living our life filled with happiness. Without hatred.
Ever wondered how would the world be like if it's all good and no evil? All good and kind and caring and humble and wise and friendly and gracious and responsible and noble and... Man, I can go on and on... Just imagine... The world is only filled with good people... with love but without hate for one another. Just imagine, if your enemies or rivals or someone that you don't like or hate, actually being friendly and all to you and you returning the favor without any hate within your heart at all. Where hatred don't even exist. Just love and care. Just like Heaven. Maybe there's another version of Heaven or Paradise in each of your hearts, but the concept is almost about the same. It's a GOOD place. Who knows? Perhaps Heaven up there is a lot more modernised, some futuristic place with You-Know-Who there, then hovercrafts just flew like the traffic in Coruscant in Star Wars... Or it could be a really enormous garden to an endless horizon filled with flowers and all kinds of sweet stuff... Well, here's just a few examples. While your mind is filled with these seemingly quite impossible images, I wanna ask you one question. Would you want the world that way? Well, I don't mean the Heaven examples, I meant the world as a totally peaceful and GOOD place. The common response would be: "Heeelllloooo? Of course! Why not?" But I want you guys to think it over carefully. A completely GOOD place wouldn't have something like: "Ha! In your face!" "You deserved it." "You're not worthy." and all kinds of stuff that happens all around in our world. Bad stuff. We may not fit in into that kind of GOOD world due to us being exposed to the cruelty, harshness of this world. Although there's good stuff that sometimes comes along, but generally we are corrupted and stained by the sins in this world. Hate is one of em'. Think it over, although if we are in that world from the start, we wouldn't even think about this as we would continue living our life filled with happiness. Without hatred.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Spooky Feed #38
Hope clouds observation. - Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam
Today is the official day for the release of O-Levels results obviously for last year's batch. We, the current Secondary 4 students are actually 'invited' to sit through the grand event. While I was there at the hall, I observed everything from the back seat. The anxiety in each of the candidates' faces, the silent prayers, the hopeful yet bitter grins and I could almost hear their heartbeats beating... The tense atmosphere was slighty broken by occasional jokes and comforts. "It's gonna be okay." "We'll make it." are some of the comforting words the candidates said to one another. At that moment in time, I thought that someday in the near future this and next year, I will experience the same situation. I would be like one of them, trembling with fear and anxiety, at the same time saying those words to comfort and ease myself and the others around me. Then there it came, the announcement of our school's most improved students, top students and then... The results are released. I can't help but think of how the seniors I knew well fare, and those of my batch taking higher-chinese paper. I jogged up to each and everyone of them, awaiting for them to be called. Then I was joined my several other people in my batch to stand with them throughout the release of results. As one by one of my friends went up to the teacher and received their results, I looked around and saw a few people in tears, another bunch showing wide grins and some just looked... unimpressed? I gave my friends a hug after hearing their scores, good or bad. "Good job! Told'ya you'll make it!" "Not bad! I'd bet I wouldn't even score that high!" "Well, it's okay.... C'mon, cheer up!" are mostly what I told my friends... After seeing through the process... it just makes me wanna go home and seriously study... Great job everybody! Good or bad, you people did your best!
Today is the official day for the release of O-Levels results obviously for last year's batch. We, the current Secondary 4 students are actually 'invited' to sit through the grand event. While I was there at the hall, I observed everything from the back seat. The anxiety in each of the candidates' faces, the silent prayers, the hopeful yet bitter grins and I could almost hear their heartbeats beating... The tense atmosphere was slighty broken by occasional jokes and comforts. "It's gonna be okay." "We'll make it." are some of the comforting words the candidates said to one another. At that moment in time, I thought that someday in the near future this and next year, I will experience the same situation. I would be like one of them, trembling with fear and anxiety, at the same time saying those words to comfort and ease myself and the others around me. Then there it came, the announcement of our school's most improved students, top students and then... The results are released. I can't help but think of how the seniors I knew well fare, and those of my batch taking higher-chinese paper. I jogged up to each and everyone of them, awaiting for them to be called. Then I was joined my several other people in my batch to stand with them throughout the release of results. As one by one of my friends went up to the teacher and received their results, I looked around and saw a few people in tears, another bunch showing wide grins and some just looked... unimpressed? I gave my friends a hug after hearing their scores, good or bad. "Good job! Told'ya you'll make it!" "Not bad! I'd bet I wouldn't even score that high!" "Well, it's okay.... C'mon, cheer up!" are mostly what I told my friends... After seeing through the process... it just makes me wanna go home and seriously study... Great job everybody! Good or bad, you people did your best!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Spooky Feed #37
Is it defeatist or treacherous for a doctor to diagnose a disease correctly? My only intention is to cure the disease. - Lady Jessica
Sometimes, I really had no idea how to help a person. Seeing people falling deep and endlessly into bottomless pits, and being unable to do something about it. Maybe I had successfully helped pulled a few people out of their depression, maybe I have predicted bad events on other people and told them beforehand or before things got worse, maybe I had stopped fights and heated debates... But sometimes, things are outta my hand. When I was about 9, 10 years old, I was like most of the peopleof the same age, a growing young kid studying in a Primary School. Yet Primary Schools ain't like what parents and others see. It's not that simple and innocent. There're conflicts everywhere, no matter it's a minor childish argument, or a growing teen's dispute. If people experienced heavy conflicts, serious disputes and got picked on almost everytime, everywhere, he/she is the target, especially since childhood, since primary school, he/she would have every bad thing that befalled him/her etched within their memory. At one point in time, I was able to recognise one of my friends' personality: both he shows to other people and the hidden one, to be one of the most important factors that will lead to his downfall. But being ignorant, I didn't tell anyone and kept it to myself as I thought it probably wouldn't come true. Yet, regrettably, it did. Now he's falling deeper and deeper, and I don't really know how to help him... Maybe I should have done better... Or maybe he deserved it. I don't know. I wonder what future God holds for him.
Sometimes, I really had no idea how to help a person. Seeing people falling deep and endlessly into bottomless pits, and being unable to do something about it. Maybe I had successfully helped pulled a few people out of their depression, maybe I have predicted bad events on other people and told them beforehand or before things got worse, maybe I had stopped fights and heated debates... But sometimes, things are outta my hand. When I was about 9, 10 years old, I was like most of the peopleof the same age, a growing young kid studying in a Primary School. Yet Primary Schools ain't like what parents and others see. It's not that simple and innocent. There're conflicts everywhere, no matter it's a minor childish argument, or a growing teen's dispute. If people experienced heavy conflicts, serious disputes and got picked on almost everytime, everywhere, he/she is the target, especially since childhood, since primary school, he/she would have every bad thing that befalled him/her etched within their memory. At one point in time, I was able to recognise one of my friends' personality: both he shows to other people and the hidden one, to be one of the most important factors that will lead to his downfall. But being ignorant, I didn't tell anyone and kept it to myself as I thought it probably wouldn't come true. Yet, regrettably, it did. Now he's falling deeper and deeper, and I don't really know how to help him... Maybe I should have done better... Or maybe he deserved it. I don't know. I wonder what future God holds for him.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Spooky Feed #36
To know a thing well, know it limits. - Dune Quotes
Yesterday and today I went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic respectively for the Open House there, which showcase the available courses and Diplomas there. I was kept interested by the Engineering Courses, especially Aerospace, Multimedia and InfoComm, and Electronics Engineering courses. I'm currently considering those courses. However, my O-Level results ain't here (Coz' I didn't even take it yet) and the requirements details ain't revealed so I ain't really confident to be successful in entering either of the courses as it's a really hot choice for Secondary School graduates eyeing a Polytechnic. Besides interest and ability to do well in it, the limits of a course is an another important factor in selecting a particular course. What limits? I meant limits as the narrowed pathway in the variety of jobs. For example, a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering would open up opportunities for jobs in the airport and planes like being Pilots and Co-Pilots or managing the overhauls of an aircraft or working in the airport tower like directing flights and controlling communications. The selections of jobs would be narrowed down with the Diploma of a particular course you studied. So I'd better wait for my results (actually I should work hard instead of waiting) and the cut-off points for each course before I make my decision. In the meantime, I should learn more about each course like the pros and cons too. There's another thing, a tragedy happened today. I lost my bluetooth headset in school! Dang!!
Yesterday and today I went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic respectively for the Open House there, which showcase the available courses and Diplomas there. I was kept interested by the Engineering Courses, especially Aerospace, Multimedia and InfoComm, and Electronics Engineering courses. I'm currently considering those courses. However, my O-Level results ain't here (Coz' I didn't even take it yet) and the requirements details ain't revealed so I ain't really confident to be successful in entering either of the courses as it's a really hot choice for Secondary School graduates eyeing a Polytechnic. Besides interest and ability to do well in it, the limits of a course is an another important factor in selecting a particular course. What limits? I meant limits as the narrowed pathway in the variety of jobs. For example, a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering would open up opportunities for jobs in the airport and planes like being Pilots and Co-Pilots or managing the overhauls of an aircraft or working in the airport tower like directing flights and controlling communications. The selections of jobs would be narrowed down with the Diploma of a particular course you studied. So I'd better wait for my results (actually I should work hard instead of waiting) and the cut-off points for each course before I make my decision. In the meantime, I should learn more about each course like the pros and cons too. There's another thing, a tragedy happened today. I lost my bluetooth headset in school! Dang!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Spooky Feed #35
Some actions have an end but no beginning; some begin but do not end. It all depends upon where the observer is standing. - Leto
It's been a while since my last post. Well, I started school already, and today is my third day in school. Before I actually start ranting and stuff, I wanna wish readers to have a great year ahead. Yes, it's a new year: 2011. New year, new beginnings, new hope. And I wish for a new end. This particular year is a very important year for some. They are taking their O-Level Examinations this year. Nope, O-Levels. Not O.W.Ls. Perhaps I shouldn't say some, coz' I'm one of those taking this important examination this year too, really. Why does it seems so important? It's the exam that makes the turning point of our life, it opens paths to our future. After taking this exam, we would be out of secondary school life, and will journey to post-secondary schools such as Junior Colleges (JCs), Polytechnics, Centralised Institutes or the Institute of Techincal Education. After those, we would be heading to Universities. Why does it open paths to our future? Coz' when we enter either of those post-secondary schools, we would somehow be trained according to our job attachments of our chosen courses like Engineering, Life Sciences, Business and so on for Polytechnics to get our Diplomas. While for JCs, we would be studying for A-Levels which would conclude our admission to Universities. And in order in get into a good Polytechnic or JC or whatever post-secondary school, it depends on our individual O-Level Scores and a few specified subjects like for Business courses, you probably need Maths and include other subjects too. This is what happens in Singapore. See how important this year is for me? Since last year, my scores ain't good enough, so I've gotta try really hard this year to reach the expectations of my parents and myself. It's for my future. That's why I need a new end, different from the end last year. I hope it does not get worse instead.
It's been a while since my last post. Well, I started school already, and today is my third day in school. Before I actually start ranting and stuff, I wanna wish readers to have a great year ahead. Yes, it's a new year: 2011. New year, new beginnings, new hope. And I wish for a new end. This particular year is a very important year for some. They are taking their O-Level Examinations this year. Nope, O-Levels. Not O.W.Ls. Perhaps I shouldn't say some, coz' I'm one of those taking this important examination this year too, really. Why does it seems so important? It's the exam that makes the turning point of our life, it opens paths to our future. After taking this exam, we would be out of secondary school life, and will journey to post-secondary schools such as Junior Colleges (JCs), Polytechnics, Centralised Institutes or the Institute of Techincal Education. After those, we would be heading to Universities. Why does it open paths to our future? Coz' when we enter either of those post-secondary schools, we would somehow be trained according to our job attachments of our chosen courses like Engineering, Life Sciences, Business and so on for Polytechnics to get our Diplomas. While for JCs, we would be studying for A-Levels which would conclude our admission to Universities. And in order in get into a good Polytechnic or JC or whatever post-secondary school, it depends on our individual O-Level Scores and a few specified subjects like for Business courses, you probably need Maths and include other subjects too. This is what happens in Singapore. See how important this year is for me? Since last year, my scores ain't good enough, so I've gotta try really hard this year to reach the expectations of my parents and myself. It's for my future. That's why I need a new end, different from the end last year. I hope it does not get worse instead.
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