No one is ever completely forced into his position in life. We all have opportunities to take different paths. - Conversations with Muad'Dib by the Princess Irulan
7 is my lucky number and therefore one of my two favourite numbers, the other being 13. Since this is the 7th post (not counting the 1st which is just... irrelevant), it should be quite interesting for some. Different people take different paths in their life, whether in terms of jobs, decisions, religion etc. Opportunities to change the path we are taking comes by occasionally. It's our decisions that shapes our future. Decision to study hard or slack around, decision to erase an addiction or continue with it, decision to forgive or bear a grudge, decision to make someone your enemy or a friend, decision to trust or not trust, decision to take this course or the other, decision to love or to hate, decisions of many things. A lot of times, if you don't go one way, it doesn't mean that you went to the complete opposite. Like for example: If you don't take someone as a true friend, it doesn't mean that you take him as an enemy. We all can choose to take different paths and take different views of something. We don't have to stick to one path. We are free to go on another as the paths are abundant. We are not forced to our positions in life, we all have opportunities to switch paths. And the decisions we make when we stand at crossroads are what we will comment on as we look back, either regret or glad that we have made that decision. Pray that your's the latter. Decisions shapes our future... and us.
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