Tis one thing be tempted, another thing to fall - William Shakespeare
It's been rather long since I've posted. Well, more than a week seems long enough. Before I start on anything, I shall inform you guys about some of the stuff that happened during these days which I didn't have the time to post. I've got back my results, and true enough, I have scored what I've expected. There wasn't really anything unexpected if you don't count the fact that I failed Social Studies by 2 points. Damn it. Also, there had been some minor disputes within the "Brotherhood" (my friendly yet a little foolish 'clique'), that caused it to be disbanded and 'banded' again. Get the idea? We actually made the changes using the method of 'popular votes' and we would vote for our choice. That was purely for fun, though. Also, my Mother Tongue 'O' Level Exam is just 5 days away. I am anxious and obviously afraid that I might screw it up and not achieve my intended A1. It's getting more stressful as each hour pass by. I really hope that I will not screw up and can get my desired A1. If that happens, I will not have to re-take the exam and can relieve the burden of the Mother Tongue subject on my shoulders, having the extra time to focus on other subjects which desperately needed revision and practice. Well, let's get back to the main topic.
Main topic: Temptation. There's Chapel service at school today (for every Wednesday), and the Reverend preached on "How to defeat Temptation". Sounds cool? He used four 'R's to teach us on the solution to Temptation. True enough, Temptations are everywhere. If you didn't realise it, now you do. Food, Rest, Glory, Fame, Possession, Money etc. Just take some time to look around. You will find temptations. The computer you are staring at right now is already one. You just turn left, you will find another one or two or even much more. Turn right, you'll find another. I mean it when I said 'everywhere'. The Reverend told us the four 'R's as: Re-focus, Reveal, Realise, Resist. I can't really remember which comes first; Reveal or Realise, but they should either take the second or third place. Re-focus generally mean to "zoom out" of your sight or just let the particular temptation out of your sight by just walking away from it and focus on other important things. Reveal meant telling someone about your weakness to a particular temptation and try to get help. Friends and family will offer help to you. Realise meant to discover and be aware for your vulnerability to temptations and use measures to counter them. Resist simply meant what it meant in the dictionary. Be unyielding to temptation, and it will leave you. I find this very useful and certainly hope that you will find solutions to resist the temptations of your life.
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