Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. - Winnie The Pooh
I decided to post this as soon as possible just in case I forget about it. But again, how can I ever forget about this? Just in case y'all have no idea what's this about, this is a post dedicated to See Ke Xin Sophie, daughter of my beloved ex-form teacher Sherman See and his wife Mrs See. If you dig deep enough into this blog, you'll find one about his wedding. Yes, that 'old man' already has a daughter, just born on August 21st (If I'm correct).
It seemed so fast, that I didn't realise that it's almost a year since Sherman's birthday which our entire class 4E celebrated together as a class, how we conspired to smash a plain birthday cake on him (Edwin Wong you got the honour of personally completing that mission) and how sweet his appreciation 'speech' was. I could never forget that. He was even wearing the tee the class made for him when we were still '3E' on his previous birthday. And way before that was the Taman Negera trip which after we found out Sherman's secret relationship, we actually sorta pressured him to propose marriage, which he did, in dramatic fail fashion. Back to last November which we attended his wedding, a marriage in which we played an integral part in, and witnessed our ex-teacher say "I Do". That magic of that wedding would last forever in our minds, as we waved our ex-teacher off when he drove his Audi away with his bride to perhaps a happily ever after. Now, it's nearing the end of August, soon marking his 31st birthday (or is it 32nd? I'm confused here...), and there he is, with a completed family.
It's like we got into some sort of time travel and arrived at a timeline a year later. Sophie was born into this world, and lucky enough beside her is Mr and Mrs See, and later on she'll meet her other 42 brothers and sisters. Although... I have absolutely no idea that Mr See already planned to name his daughter Sophie(Or that I forgot). Coz... I also wanted to name my future daughter Sophie, if I had one. Maybe that's the affinity I have with this newborn child. Sherman why you steal my future daughter's name??? XP
That tiny little seed within a mother's womb that slowly becomes a form of life, slowly and surely growing, then eventually comes the birth of a new identity. A new life. No matter what, children will forever fill the hole within people's life that they didn't realise they had, like a missing jigsaw puzzle piece that would make the puzzle look perfect. They are the hope of our future, and the parents of the future generations. They are angels when they are first born... and well, all of us slowly take the form of little devils anyway. I'm not a parent so I don't know how parents would feel when they first set their eyes on their baby when they were born, but I guess you'd feel besides pure elation, some kind of completion. They say when a baby is born, a parent is born as well. A kind of responsibility is born.
Still I find it amusing to imagine Sherman as a dad. I mean, yes he has successfully 'parented' 42 noisy and rowdy 'kids' in a classroom, handed out Physics assignments, gave us a breathing space during Character First periods, and a great deal lot of fun. Oh he even managed to stuff 8 of us into his car at one point. What a great adventure. But, to imagine him having to communicate with a tiny creature that speaks in a very different language, feeding her with milk, trying to hush her to sleep, attempting to stop her cries, changing her diaper and all that, it's just amusing I suppose. Though I must say, enjoy it while it lasts :D
Congratulations Daddy Sherman!!
"You spend the first two years of their life trying to teach them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up."
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