The fateful moment is already set. 9 January 2012 is the day we O-Level students will collect our results. And that day is... today... Well, we still got time. It's 2pm in the afternoon when the results are released. Yes, "still got time". Lately, I've been dreaming about this day, when we collect our results. Well, the dreams I had are ridiculous... But still, they're regarding the results collection day. Very soon, I'll be wearing my school uniform for the last time(that's if I don't retain... No I won't retain...), and I'll head for my school, then start getting feverish, getting anxious, and start shaking when the teachers start giving out the results.
All the excitement, the anxiety, the worries, we're already feeling it. Everything we strived for, it all comes down to tomorrow. The moment I get my results, I don't really dare to look at it. My own expectations of myself... I'm afraid of not achieving what I know I should get. It really is killing me now... I really hope that I've done well.
I still remember the day when I collected my PSLE results. I was very anxious then too. But that was nothing compared to this time. That time I was aiming for a very very high score coz' I know that I can do it. This time, I don't even know what results I might end up scoring. I can't really predict my results. All I can do is to wait and anticipate.
I always thought that I can take this head on. Always thought that I won't break down, won't waver, when I'm collecting my results. Always thought that I'm confident enough. But, really? I don't think so now. Perhaps I shouldn't continue to think about my results, have a good night's sleep, wake up tomorrow, and go through whatever I'm thrown at.
Time to sleep, for everything will be revealed tomorrow. Wish me luck.
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