Utakata Hanabi

Utakata Hanabi
Sasuke x Sakura

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Results (Part 2)

Do not count what you have lost. Count only what you still have. - Zensunni Sutra of the First Order 

Actually my results are released two days ago and I'm only writing it now coz' I didn't really have both the mood, and the time to write it. Yep, you guessed it. I didn't hit my target. I am disappointed with myself, really. Although there are some shock achievements like passing my A-Math(that's like almost impossible for me), and passing my Geography, scoring an totally unexpected B3!! I still can't believe it happened!! Many thanks to a certain someone for cheering me on to study hard for Geography!

I've "gained" many unnecessary points(the lower points you get, the better the results are), mostly due to hitting only a B3 grade for the easy E-Math exam, when I should've gotten an A1 instead, also being unable to deduct two bonus points due to my lousy CCA grade which wasn't really my fault either, also getting a lousy B4 for my Physics, and not having the chance to go into Higher Chinese where I can deduct two more extra points if I passed the subject. Sometimes I really regret not taking Higher Chinese despite the fact that I should be capable of handling the subject. Just because no teachers recommended me to take the subject, in both primary school and secondary school. While again, I would also have perhaps scored an totally unbelievable A1 for Geography if a certain teacher didn't have a strict and nonsensical marking scheme that failed me every single time, which left me to stop believing that I can do well in Geography, although I'm pretty interested in it. Once again, it's a pity. Then again, I can't really blame anyone but myself. 

That day was a tragedy to a lot of people in my school. We had our hopes high. All of us were very nervous, as we sat on the chairs in the school hall for one last time. When the result slips are given out one by one, people either are very satisfied, or just utterly disappointed. Quite a number shed tears... The Brotherhood are mostly demoralised too... But I guess we'll all have to move on with our life. To our next stage of education.

It seems that God only answered half of my prayers... I'm glad He answered that half... 

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